The Shift to the Cloud
We believe the COVID-19 crisis has facilitated a fundamental reshaping of society in how people shop and pay, along with how businesses interact with their employees, customers, and other businesses.
We believe the COVID-19 crisis has facilitated a fundamental reshaping of society in how people shop and pay, along with how businesses interact with their employees, customers, and other businesses.
The Texas House Pension, Investments and Financial Services Committee is hosting a public hearing at 10 a.m. CT on Monday, June 6, 2022, regarding the operation of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and its school district employee benefits program participation.
Below is a list of upcoming or recently held interim Texas legislative hearings TEXPERS' System Members and others interested in managing public employee pensions in the state might be interested in following. The topics either directly or indirectly impact pension management or governance issues.
TEXPERS members are trustees, administrators, professional service providers, employee groups, and associations engaged or interested in managing public employee retirement systems.
Even though the novel Coronavirus pandemic slowed down life for businesses in 2020, it did not deter the ambitions of cybercriminals. In fact, according to the FBI's 2020 Internet Crime Report, cybercriminals pretty much seized the pandemic as an opportunity to "profit from our dependence on technology to go on an internet crime spree." |