Research Shows Defined Benefit Pensioners Experience Higher Mortality Improvements Than General US Population

Pension plan participants live longer than the rest of the US population, according to Club Vita. Not only do pensioners have longer life expectancies, but according to the study, plan participants also enjoy a faster rate of longevity improvements.

Club Vita provides longevity mapping to help pension funds, insurers, and governments in risk management. But what do the organization's latest findings mean when it comes to modeling mortality rates for pension plans?

The National Institute on Retirement Security will discuss that and other questions during a webinar at 2 p.m. ET/1 p.m. CT on Nov. 17, 2021.

Click here to register for the webinar. There is no charge to attend.

NIRS develops research to help Americans understand the importance of retirement security. TEXPERS is an Educational Sustainer of NIRS. Click here to learn more about the nonprofit's work to foster policy solutions so all Americans can be self-sufficient after a lifetime of work.

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